Friday, May 11, 2012

Side Effects of weight loss

Well something happened to me tonight that has never happened before... My pants fell down in the supermarket. 
I was on my way home from Zumba... sweaty, and smelly, and decided to pop into Woolies to grab some bread, and I put my phone in my pocket (this was the fatal error).. as I ran through the store, I felt them fall...OMG how embarrassing.  Time to buy a new pair of Zumba pants I think.

The other side effects that I have noticed which I wasn't expecting when I started this weightloss journey... 

  • My shoes fall off - I have gone down a shoe size.. I hadn't noticed that I had gone up one (thinking I was getting older so my feet were getting bigger - but no! My feet were just Fat!)
  • I don't need to undo the latch to put my Pandora bracelet on anymore, I can just slide it on.
  • I can wear all my rings again
  • The 'LBL' that I used to experience, has dropped significantly. 
  • My belts don't have enough holes
  • My Heart rate monitor chest strap is too loose
  • I can put a bath towel around me now... don't need a bath sheet.
  • I can half fill the bath, and when I get in, it doesn't overflow.
  • I Can squeeze through smaller places
  • If my husband needed to carry me... he could.

Other news ...
Sunday is Mothers Day.
So #1... I want to say I love you and thank you to My Mum. I know I have made her proud, and that is the best feeling in the world. It's hard living in another country, but I am thankful for Facebook, blogs, texting, emailing, because they help me feel like I'm not too far away.
Happy Mothers Day to my Nana, and my Mum

#2 ... I finally feel like I have been a good role model for my children.
#3... I am running in the Mothers Day Classic fun run on Sunday, and I asked my family to join me as their gift to me. They are going to do the 4km Walk/run, and I am attempting the 8km... a bit nervous, as I have not run this distance before, but I know that it's just a mental battle I'll be fighting... my body can do it, I just have to convince my mind that it can.

Catch ya later

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