Friday, April 6, 2012

Woman on a Mission!

Well,  #1 -  2 days late to tell you about weigh in.  Not that I really want to, because I remained the same. No weight lost... but on the plus side, no weight gained.  I know what I did, or did not do to cause this.  I ate a few things I shouldn't have, I didn't weigh or measure my food, and had too many excuses for exercise that I let get to me.... However, I think I now know how to maintain my weight when I do get to the ideal weight.

#2.. Easter, not being religious, really only means chocolate and public holidays to me. Easter is otherwise known as HELL WEEK for those of us on a diet (sorry healthy eating regime) and who love chocolate.
I had done very well and resisted all the aisles of chocolate bunnies, and eggs, and Hot Cross Buns for weeks, then on Thursday,... well my resolve... it dissolved. 
1 tiny little 10g egg... I told myself "one won't hurt", but I know better, I know that "one won't hurt" is a lie because it's like opening flood gates.. 1 egg, turned into 2, ... then two little bunnies, then 2 more eggs (50g this time)....Argghh.
Easter Bunny came to work
these little devils wore me down
Nutrition wise, the day went severely downhill from there, although enjoyment factor was great. What with Celebratory work lunches, and work meeting and farewell drinks at the pub, followed by a missed bus, which caused me to have to miss my kickboxing class and have to go back to the pub to wait for a ride home... 3 beers and a pub meal later, I felt like the day was a complete failure.

But... we are in Week 8 of 12. One bad day (or good day if you see it that way) does not undo all that great work.
I am determined not to weigh the same next Wednesday, I am determined to have a great loss on the scales this week.... and i'm gonna work my butt off to make it happen.
As luck would have it ... I have a 4 day weekend, so there is absolutely no excuse to not exercise. 

The Plan :
Today, Good Friday : 
- 1km run (time trial) Burned 88 Calories, took me 6mins 1 sec. 40 seconds faster than 4 weeks ago.
- Zumba Class, 603 calories burned.
- Ate clean - took the kids to the movies even, and didn't get popcorn or anything.

Tomorrow, Saturday:
- 5km run.  My mate Sandra and I are going to try Park Run
- followed by the remainder of my week 8 fitness test.
- Going shopping to buy 1 Easter egg each for my kids... thats all, and maybe try on some smaller clothes while I'm there.
- Coming home to pull weeds out of the garden, and if that doesn't burn mega calories, I don't know what will.

Easter Sunday:
- Gonna get up early and head down to Burleigh Headland and do the walk, followed by a dip in the sea.  Followed by the rest of garden, if necessary.

Easter Monday
- 9.30 am Zumba Class
- Wet n Wild... have you felt the burn in your ass, walking those stairs to the slide?
- 6.30 pm Kickboxing Class

I have new focus, and with time to plan and organise, I will eat super clean, and come weign in wednesday, I am hoping to see that number start with a 7.

I am a Woman on a Mission!

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