Monday, January 16, 2012

Pre-Season is finally here!

Ok, Day 1 PreSeason 12WBT.

Michelle wants us to...Introduce Ourselves to the other 12WBT on the forums. Done. Actually done weeks ago, but I did it again.  I have found that there are at least half a dozen other ladies doing this challenge from the neighbouring suburbs, so one of these days we'll organise a group training session.

Todays Exercise : 4 circuits of the Michelle Bridges Super Shredder Circuit DVD 243 calories burnt.

Todays Eating: 1179 out of 1200 calories...pretty damn good.
Tonight's Dinner
Other news: Woke up to rain, so didn't run the lake, chose another option. It was only spitting and cleared up so I could have gone... And anyway , I'm not made of sugar, so what if I get wet!  Didn't burn as many calories as required, so need to do more after this post....really don't feel like it, so that's more evidence that I should have done more this morning.
Back to work today, felt great seeing everyone, time went very slowly, I was hungry by 10am, but had taken great healthy snacks so I managed to get through. 
I did not crave anything, drank 2 bottles of water.

Best news of the day... I weighed in at 92.6 this morning! I know weighing everyday is not the best thing to do, but after being 93 exactly yesterday, I just had to see if I had got into the 92 point somethings.

Well enough avoidance... off to burn another 257 calories.  I'm thinking a Just Dance Wii Competition with my girls might be in order.
Just Danced 278 Calories off.  Isabella Whipped me in the game on most songs (do I need to mention she has played it a lot more than me) but I was concentrating on getting the heart rate up rather than the score.  It took 40 mins to burn 278 ( twice as long as running) but it was so much fun.

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